Justin Hayward - One Summer Day / My Juliette - New 2 Song EP Available

Justin Hayward - One Summer Day / My Juliette - New 2 Song EP Available

Justin Hayward will release the digital-only EP One Summer Day / My Juliette. This two-track release is available via all digital service providers.

Whether performing solo or with The Moody Blues, Justin Hayward’s songwriting is known for its thought-provoking lyrics and inventive melodies. These qualities are fully displayed in the new tracks “One Summer Day” and “My Juliette.”

“One Summer Day” is written in a conversational style, telling the story of unexpected events taking place one day in the summer. According to Justin, the song came about in an organic manner. “ just sprang out of my old Martin guitar late one evening...I had been playing the riff for a while just for fun, without realizing it could actually be a song.”

“My Juliette,” which references Danny Williams’ early 60s recording of “Moon River”, was inspired by Justin’s childhood fascination with the theater. His mother played piano for a repertory theater group during a summer in his childhood. He played guitar for the company, and was drawn into the artistry of the stage, from Shakespeare to pantomime. “I was entranced and I still treasure every moment of that theatre life,” Hayward continues. “I had the song for years before I was sure I wanted to actually finish or record it because I enjoyed just playing around with it.”

One Summer Day / My Juliette is available for streaming and download here.

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