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Stage Door Granny
July 8, 2018
7:59 pm
Forum Posts: 3294
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September 25, 2013
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leslee if you can give me advice.... am I a bad person or just frustrated??? I was really off my feed over the weekend, the reason being..... my grandson was doing this summer stock thing here locally... his mom was looped into it (I had nothing to do with it, tho I do love theatre) the deal was he went for two weeks mornings weekdays, and would be in a little play with some other primary (kindergarten) kids. I oozed in because I wanted to check them out (I AM interested in theatre, after a four year college degree in it) and I offered to help with costumes. My frustration there is best ignored because it didn't matter in the long run, and I was able to "ply my trade" again, a couple of the kids looked quite good up there.

I've found out over the years, the mark of a real amateur group is, the costumes look like poo. So few of the flamboyant people who want to get up on stage and "do their thing" understand that if you look like poo, no one will care. You have to get them at another level, not rely on your expertise as a fabulous performer. So, due to the director's flaky communications (I smiled and let her do as she please of course, it WAS her show) two of the kids looked terrible because their parents didn't get it either. Oh well. But the others looked good, I figured out how to make a mini Kinsale cloak (no light feat, I've been picking at that design for a few decades now) MY grandson looked great too.

But get this, the kids had worked very hard for the most part. My grandson has a very sweet voice, good tone, on key and with a vibrato, totally untrained (he's 7 in October) but one of the kids in the bad costume was loud, confidant and off key (of course) that got lots of indulgent chuckles from the crowd. And another kid had no business up there, far too young, but a cute little spud and he knew his lines actually. Smart, but maybe 3. And he rolled on the stage, wanted his director mom who was prompted in front, and wound up trying to hug my grandson (he pushed him away!!! outraged that the kid wasn't doing it right) goes over and hugs the girl who was Mother Goose, and she hugged him back, very in character. Got a big round of applause.

This all goes to show, you never know how it will turn out, and sometimes the biggest mistakes gets the biggest applause. Not matter how hard you work, the crowd wants sympathy, empathy and so forth. Not hard or competent work. They want emotion. They want feeling.

Well *I* don't plan to urge my grandkid to do stage. He didn't get that big a thrill out of it. Whew, I was glad when it was all over.

So now came the big show (hour long) Alice in Wonderland. Mind you for the two week camp, my daughter in law dropped $350 or so ... the second group was older kids, and I know they paid more as they were there all day, not just mornings like the primary kids. So I stuck around to see it, and was terribly saddened. For one, there were FAR too many kids on stage. The promoters were greedy, and put every kid who signed up on stage, talented or not. (You expect a lack of talent from Kinder kids, by the time they get to 2nd grade you'd think they'd get a clue.) One "little darling" danced with vigor all the way through the opening number, while the rest of them stood there making a lovely tableau. I almost barfed the dancer was so naseating, she was at least 2nd or 3rd grade and should have known better than to upstage like that.

I counted just under 50 kids on this smallish stage for the opening number. Little to no dancing... and again, if they had been there a couple of years doing this, at least they should have had some moves down.

Part of the costume solution for this show was to put white tees on the chorus.... yes a bit like Greek chorus. One of the first things I learned as a costumer, NEVER put white on stage, or if you do, really really limit it. And further, you have to match the lighting.... there was absolutely no meeting on how the lights, sets and costumes would fit together (it's easy to do at the beginning, no tech meeting) again the costume design (lack thereof) showed the abysmal amateur nature of it all. I mean, this is Alice in Wonderland. How freaking difficult is it to tie dye the tees in hippy colours??? NOPE.... But by George, all those darlings got on stage!!!

The White Rabbit appeared (fairly nice costume, but could have been better) and her voice was poor, she could have been scared of course. The "community theater" thing got to me about that point, and I departed. Have no idea if it improved or not. The script (I've read it, they did the same musical in the public schools nearby once) was a "modern" mangling of the original Alice done by Disney, which was an enjoyable mangling of the book. I couldn't stand that either.

In the past I've tried to work with high school groups, one show I did costumes with, was set c. 1890. I worked hard on a couple of dresses, but you know what the biggest hitch was? The high school girls all wanted to slick back their hair, which was the fashion at that time at that school. Those who know history, will find the hair quite poofy in 1890, Gibson girl look. Not one of the little brats would do period hair. That was the point I decided I had no desire to teach Drama in public schools. The little snots aren't artists, they just want to get up and glimmer on stage "Look at me!!!!" that's all they care about.

So now that we've established that families are insane to want their children on stage (most looked bored or scared) those who do want to be there are hams or brats, and costumers get no respect... let's look at the cash flow.

Let's say, being conservative, each of those 50 kids on stage paid $400 to be there and do summer stock. $20,000, good cash haul! Now, add in that the packed house (held about 500 maybe? Each child got two comp tickets, the rest were bought by doting grannies, aunties and so forth) for two nights, maybe a two night House of $8,000. Only one pizza party, no food otherwise was provided. Say something slightly in excess of $30,000 gross. Now you gotta pay the copyrights for the two musicals for two nights. Usually this is a good rate for schools and such, maybe $100/performance, say $400 for royalties. I suspect the school district let them use the place at a fairly low price, maybe some electric bills to pay, they did use the real stage lights (those were actually fairly good, and I bet that gaffer got paid!) There were some interns running around helping with make up and costumes, but I suspect they didn't get a stipend, and of course I wasn't offered one either for the sewing I did. The director did a lot of schmoosing with parents, she was good at that. Oh did I mention they couldn't get their make up on right either? Minor point. But, it was smeared on and pretty sad. Poor kids.... no concept of how badly lights will wash you out.

Someone made pretty good lettuce off that one. Do you suppose the little darlings learned anything? Or was it just a "Here I am grandma!!!! waving at you from stage!!!"


It was a valuable lesson for me. I remembered why I don't like doing theater, amateur, community, professional and otherwise. People all act WEIRD they are so wrapped up in their own thing. The kids in my grandson's little group were very cute and enjoyable, I liked several of them. The adults looked stressed like "I'm never going to get to Hollywood if I don't do this right!!!" kinda thing, it was an emotional mindfield. The parents were painfully frantic that their child would be able to perform. Negative vibe. If I were going to do it for a living, I'd want DARN good pay. I don't love it enough to do it for free for very long... unless my own grandson is in it or something like that.

So tell me.... am I a bad person, thinking the ornery things I'm thinking about stage work right now??? Sigh, I'm just glad I'm not committed to anyting like this very often. I can be the real costumer from Hades, and it's not by best persona.

July 8, 2018
8:04 pm
Forum Posts: 3294
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September 25, 2013
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The follow up carnage was we all went out to brunch.... that was enjoyable because I like my grand daughter too, and love visiting.... the other grandma was just ecstatic he had been on stage! I was very very quiet and nice. So was my grandson. Who knows what goes on in a seven year old's head, but he's not stupid, and possibly can see through it all too.

July 8, 2018
8:30 pm
Forum Posts: 3631
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September 25, 2013
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0) Even if it weren't against my religion to judge, I'd be pretty bad at it.
1) Your question seems to me non-sequitur.
2) Seeking praise and appreciation is a fool's errand. Follow your conscience and let your work be your reward.

As a case study, recall last week I offended one of my very best friends. I spent all week feeling sick and unable to find a hole deep enough to swallow me. A week later, she's my friend like always and my offending action appeared to have been appreciated by a certain minority community (not the people who treat that community like they have no voice and speak for them, but actual members of that community). Who knew?

Thus we see my life is Comedic, whereas yours is Tragic; as my life lacks the elements of Fear and Pity, as I never had Character and it is my own vulgar choices that bring me down - except a miracle always happens and I am better off in spite of my folly. You, however, are a something from Hades, which gives you yet another thing in common with Justin.

I would go and be jealous, but that, too, is against my religion.

Would it help if I said, WOW! I don't know how you do all that stuff, anyway? I sit here and move commas around all day only to be told to move them back, then to put them in their second places, much like Sisyphus, but I don't have a ripped, muscular physique for it.

How many degrees do you have, anyway?

July 8, 2018
9:10 pm
Forum Posts: 3631
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September 25, 2013
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As an obtuse corollary, I was musing yesterday, I believe, about the Final Judgment, in the context of Christianity. I imagined God not asking, "How good were you?" but, "How did they treat you?" In other words, did you try to bring out the best in those around you?

Of course, this is fallacious, leading to the conclusion the crucifixion showed the plan went terribly wrong. It's just false doctrine from a twisted mind, so I don't know why I shared it.

July 10, 2018
12:54 am
Forum Posts: 3294
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September 25, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Actually that is very heroic. Bringing out the best in people. When in conflict, I try that a few times, but if it does no good.... well I recommend looking up a thing called the Zeroeth Law of Robotics. Asimov.

I'm glad your and your friend are speaking again and it's all ok. But don't walk on eggshells.

Thank you for thoughts... mostly I just wanted to whine a bit. It's now in the contrail. Lessons learned, behavior reinforced. Everyone was just being human. Theatre people are very special sorts of humans. One either goes into it with eyes open, or don't do it. #2 is very very good advice, thank you. I know that down deep, but have to refresh my memory sometimes.

I have three degrees and a license but it's all about behavior, so in reality it's one fat overblown degree. Can't believe I blew that much money on college, and here I sit. I was very very very very immature when I was doing theatre, and it's painful to refresh that mind set. Different times, a different life; my only comfort is everyone else around me was just as immature, because it was theatre. I find it so fascinating when people like the Moodies start off so young in their stage craft, and make a 50 year career of it, they are so good at what they do. It's a nutty craft. When you ask "what is Justin doing".................... he's being a normal human!!!! Not a performing flea for the pleasure of drooling fans. Performing arts can be a very very cruel lifestyle. Let the man rest!!!! And remember to be grateful for the beautiful music he DOES share.

New and fascinating usage for the metaphor of Sisyphus. I feel like this with my riding mower, I fix one thing (turns out it sputtered and quit a week ago due to running out of gas!!! LOL and I pulled the engine half apart!!!! It needed a spark plug change anyway, and I did it) I fix one thing, and something else happens. It's a Jonah. NOW the belt slid off again.... but the good news is the lawn is now mowed and the house doesn't look abandoned. I got the belt on once, I can do it again, and I think I know the problem. But it's like NOW what??? every time it fires up.

leslee said "I imagined God not asking, "How good were you?" but, "How did they treat you?" In other words, did you try to bring out the best in those around you?"

Sounds like Oz the Great and Powerful as he hands out his gifts at the end. Lest we get to convoluted, I shall end there... let's go forth and be happy. Alls well that ends well.

Tired... it's bedtime.... hope you have a pleasant night, anyone reading.

July 23, 2018
11:21 pm
Forum Posts: 54
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May 5, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

great, thank you for sharing information, i like your blog
shell shockers

July 24, 2018
12:28 pm
Forum Posts: 3294
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September 25, 2013
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Yea but no one likes your spam. What is WITH you? Go elsewhere!

As per your "Final Judgement" comment, I was just thinking of *Job: a Comedy of Justice* which takes a sci fi look at the Rapture. I found it incredibly funny, and yes it's a bit raunchy in spots. The final scene involves the main character standing before Satan (who is arguing his case) and Jehovah, and a Supreme Being.

I wonder if spammers aren't just another form of demons, sent here to test and torment us.

I think the Crucifixion is some of the strongest evidence we have that people are NOT kind, in fact they are quite vicious if you but scratch the surface. That was over 2000 years ago, and we still are doing mean, stupid, unjust things to one another.

July 24, 2018
1:37 pm
Forum Posts: 3631
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September 25, 2013
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In moments of heresy, I find myself screaming, "No! It wasn't supposed to happen that way!"

It is my perception that attempts to demonstrate absurdity by taking things to their logical conclusion often backfire as the masses embrace the absurdity.

If we were all educated, in the Baconian sense, trollbots could sloganeer us to death and be powerless..

July 26, 2018
3:08 pm
Forum Posts: 3294
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September 25, 2013
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Well the bots are something to talk about anyway. Everyone would be bored about the chicken tacos I'm about to cook, or the yard work I did all morning.

I would have to look up Bacon to even remember who he is. Chaos and change are the only certainties in life IMHO. To quote a biographer of the Marx Brothers, the only way to react to the world at large is to embrace the insanity and react in horror, or with humor. I'd have to look up "sardonic" too (too lazy) but this fits in nicely here doesn't it?

Gung fu saying "I will bend in the wind like a willow" Be flexible, Grasshopper.


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