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Powerful Visions and Dreams
December 28, 2018
8:16 pm
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521sp_Permalink sp_Print

Fortunately, the boss and one of my coworkers are arranging for me to get professional help, and they don't mean plastic surgery. Hopefully, around February, I will be heavily-sedated in an institution somewhere. And, in the mean time, I'll see if they can use parental controls to prevent me from pulling up this web site.

Then, everybody in Moody land will be happy again.

January 14, 2019
1:11 pm
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522sp_Permalink sp_Print

I dreamed I saw Justin. I was going to one of his concerts, and a couple fans had gathered at a stage door. Justin was going past the door with a couple other guys. Justin took a look around and, seemingly intentionally, looked through me (as in you don't exist). His eyes were an awesome shade of blue. Though dissed, I was smitten, and I woke up feeling better.

As it turned out, the three were headed for the men's room, and I was the only fan rude enough to wait for them to come back out. As in all dreams, Justin never shows up to his concerts. So, while a small group of fans were assembled in the auditorium, one of the stagehands came out and suggested we all hold up a book with ideological content for a photo op. "I've got one here!" thought I, when I realized he was making fun of/insulting me for working on politically-charged book reviews before a concert. I ended up missing the deadline for the review ... The best part of the stiffed concert was a soft, cotton quilt with the richest of autumn colors.


February 7, 2019
12:14 am
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523sp_Permalink sp_Print

The boss was watching a TV show that mentioned a "flying V," not a guitar, but a UFO. I flashed back to the time I saw a flying V. I had forgotten all about it. I was in Burleson, TX. It was a sunny day, and the V appeared to be low for an airplane, unless it was really huge; but too high for an air balloon. It just kept slowly trucking at a constant velocity. I think it got too close to the sun for me to see right when I got back to the motel.

All these memories came flashing back - like how cold it was the first day, dreary and sad, and how nice and sunny it was the next. It was such a wonderful concert, beyond my wildest dreams. Justin was so nice. I hope he is well.

February 20, 2019
8:47 am
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524sp_Permalink sp_Print

I dreamed I was somewhere. The skyline featured skyscrapers, in front of which one could see water falling with a group velocity faster than would be attributable to gravity alone. (That part was inspired by the bar graphs at last night's commissioners' meeting that also included a dot-to-dot that had no mathematical meaning.) I was staying above a Chinese restaurant, and I didn't even know my roommate's name. Robbers stood outside the door, one in an orange shirt, and they were accosting everybody. I had just gotten back from the cruise, and I had to go somewhere, which may have been church.

I drove about halfway before I saw people were already streaming onto the next cruise ship. Justin was doing back-to-back cruises. I hadn't even done my laundry. I turned immediately around to pack my dirty laundry, hoping to do utilize the cruise's laundry services. I was so happy I was going to be back in my element.

March 13, 2019
1:14 am
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525sp_Permalink sp_Print

I dreamed the new tour dates were announced for May and June. The tour had the name of "Amadeus" and other presumptuous references to Classical masters. I think one date was May 16-17. I think only Justin, Julie, and Mike were playing.

I go back sweepy-bye.

March 13, 2019
8:33 am
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526sp_Permalink sp_Print

Oh. The Amadeus festival is this week downtown. I must have been overhearing and ad in my sleep.

March 28, 2019
2:45 pm
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527sp_Permalink sp_Print

Last night, I dreamed I was on the second Justin Hayward-hosted cruise. It was night, and there was fire in the sky. I discovered it was a satellite about to crash, but couldn't interest anybody. When it crashed, it made a splash, which surprised me, because I thought we were still on land. The masses aboard cheered, because it did not hit us.

My cabin was in the same hall as Justin's, about five doors down, but I could never see him or get up enough guts to try.

April 1, 2019
6:57 am
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528sp_Permalink sp_Print

Last night, Justin was in my dream. It was a scene of waiting at the buses with a whole lot of fans and being one of the slower fans. Finally, I captured a glimpse after he had boarded the bus, and he faded into the crowd. I think there was more, but I can't remember. I just woke up with that good, "Justin was in my dream," feeling.

Anybody/anybot "seeing" Justin, please give him a GWS.

April 16, 2019
1:31 pm
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529sp_Permalink sp_Print

Justin was in my dream last night. I was walking through a college parking lot. It had a lot of traffic islands. Justin walked out from the side. We said hi, but I was too afraid to meddle, so I scurried on. As I did, I thought, "No! I want to give him a bear hug and tell him all about how wonderful he is," but I didn't want to frighten him, so that was that. It was nice knowing he was on campus, though.

April 28, 2019
8:47 pm
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530sp_Permalink sp_Print

I was wondering why the combination of vermillion and taupe was almost nonexistent.

May 12, 2019
6:09 pm
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531sp_Permalink sp_Print

I have been experiencing computer problems, most of the really bad stuff staring this year and coming to a climax a couple weeks ago. I was meeting deadlines on parts of four computers; for example, one did not have a monitor, another did not have a word processor. I had to write some of my news briefs three times before I was able to save and send them. So, that is why I've been lying low.

So, here I am with my bot friends, and I have great news. Last night, I had a bout with acid reflux. Hot acid chunkies went into my adenoids and my pulmonary tracts. I was faced with a decision: Do I prefer to save my lung or my brain? I gagged for about an hour.

I finally got a wee amount of sleep and awoke with flu-like symptoms. All my joints hurt. I've had a sinus infection on and off for a year or so. Before walking The EVO! I said, I need a very strong antibiotic.

So, we were out walking, and she decided to park herself and cool her belly in the cool, shady grass, as she often does as we're both getting older. I was very bored, and I espied a beautiful plant. Something in my head said it was good for what ailed me. I protested. It was beautiful. I didn't want to ruin it for others. The "voice inside my head" said bugs eat leaves; that's what they're for. So, I pulled off a very lovely leaf.

It stung my fingers, but I tried to eat it, and it stung my mouth. I refolded and reinserted it. Within about a minute, the joint pain was gone. I thought maybe it was because the burning sensation was so overpowering. It started tasting like pear, and to prevent further gun recession, I slapped it on my face to see if it would clear my sinuses. It did.

I got back to the ranch and tried to identify the plant on the Google. It turns out it was stinging nettle, used in folk remedies for sore joints, muscle pain, and hay fever, among many other things. And so, I'm feeling rather good right now. I thought I'd share that in case anybody else was down and out.

Other than that, it's a lovely spring day - gloomy and flowery, with beautiful green leaves all about, which I can't wait to shove into my mouth some day to see what they do.

Bye-a for now.

June 3, 2019
6:19 am
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532sp_Permalink sp_Print

Last night, I dreamed something about a tour. I was with fans in a huge building. It was ridiculously fancy, with padded leather wallpaper in a lace design. Something small, like an elevator, turned out to be an entire condominium. On a hunch, I thought I might find the band outside, and I left the gang and went behind the office where I really work to the RV park. I kept looking as if knowing Justin should be there. Then, I saw Udo making the bus ready. I was about to go back in the building when I saw Justin. His eyes looked puffy, like he had had botox. I was so happy to see him, I smiled - not to say hello, but to be happy for seeing him. It was not my place to approach, so I turned to go away, and Justin smiled back. It was so incredible and heartwarming. I lingered a few more seconds in awe (I was in love.) and returned to wherever I was.

June 4, 2019
9:53 am
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533sp_Permalink sp_Print

I had another dream, more powerful than the last. What I recall was being in a room with half a dozen people, and Justin was one of them. Bolder than real-life, I started making my way toward him. I don't recall what I said, but his reply was, "And what army," and I was taken aback, but I persisted. In the end, there was some kind of a row, and somebody who was like the maid and a motherly figure to me in the dream - petite, Native American or Western Asian, and wearing an apron with a head wrap and all that, was giving me the what-for for "getting too close to Justin."

June 15, 2019
8:16 am
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534sp_Permalink sp_Print

I dreamed I sat next to an old lady at church. She was wearing a powder blue mother-of-the-bride dress. She explained she only came once a month because that's when somebody like her godson would have done something. (My memory is fading.) He was now dead. The anniversary kept repeating in the dream, but I've forgotten it. It was something like July 11. Well, the dream went on, and then I was outside, watching a soap opera of the whole thing. Then, the "godson" showed up at the house carrying a guitar. He switched from young to old, and he began climbing the stairs. Inside again, at the top of the stairs, he flashed into Justin a couple times carrying a guitar. I first hoped the video would flash into him a few more times, and then wondered what was going through the cinematographer's mind. I started talking to some people around me about the soap opera, and, not a watcher of soap operas, I couldn't keep up with their replies. Then, I was back in the game, walking around with the godson. I ran my car off into a ditch turning around to pick somebody up down at the curve of the old, muddy driveway where I used to work, and then I single-handedly pulled it out after asking my passenger to step out. The wheels were messed up, but hey. The last thing I remember is I was trying to take a photo of an alarm clock. It had something to do with the godson. I was giving people advice, but it was all wrong. The children around me knew so much more about digital lighting, etc.

June 16, 2019
9:04 pm
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535sp_Permalink sp_Print

I dreamed I was watching a Justin concert on the YouTube. Patrick Moraz was in the band, and he was hopping around in a two-tone purple silk cape (and other clothing that I don't remember). Justin was glaringly missing from the stage, but he had a harpist. She had blonde hair and was very pretty. She looked like a lot of Moodies fans, in fact. Her harp was beautiful, silver and white, and it matched her white dress. I was astounded at the way she played, so fast and accurately - sort of like watching MIke Dawes the first time. Then, she had an anxiety attack, stopped, and said she couldn't do this anymore and walked off. The rest of the program dealt with her psychotherapy, but I didn't see it because somebody called me away from the computer.

June 24, 2019
8:59 pm
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536sp_Permalink sp_Print

Today and yesterday I binge-watched biblevideos.org. At first, I thought the characters talked funny and had odd hairlines, but they really grew on me. I became addicted, and was very disappointed when the cast of characters changed into the next group. I had gotten so attached. Regardless, it had me feeling good enough to sit back down at the keyboard and try to write something again. I must make the time and not be overwhelmed by the mundane tasks that crush me.

Well, outside the window is a sunset I assume went totally orange off to the north somewhere. The only times I've been in a total orange sunset were once in Michigan and another time stuck in traffic in Connecticut and running late to a Justin show. In the west, the clouds are now brilliant pink-orange against a steely blue sky. The mountains to the north had orange fog, too, as this is the Smoky Mountains. Instead of living in the moment, I tried to take a photo. The camera, of course, corrected for the color, as its algorithms found the true colors too abnormal. The trees are black in shadow and the fireflies are out.

Earlier, as on other days this year, we had sheets of rain with sun shining through them. It's such a lovely world. And that's your lesson for today, my bot friends.

July 7, 2019
8:44 am
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537sp_Permalink sp_Print

Justin made an appearance in my dream last night. Having binged-watched all those Bible videos, of course, he would be wearing hefty, dirty robes. It was the normal conflict of wanting to hug him and respecting his space. I know we spoke, probably exchanging niceties. It was nice to see him again.

October 20, 2019
10:09 pm
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538sp_Permalink sp_Print

This is somewhat of a Wilder Penfield thing. A while back, I was on an airplane. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was coming down with the flu. I had a splitting headache, and I hadn't gotten much sleep, having - no regrets - missed the last train out of town the night before. I didn't do any drugs unless somebody spiked my airport food.

So, this weird thing happened about three times. The one I remember most clearly is I was looking at the seat in front of me, and it was as if a hole was cut out in the headrest through which I saw in perfect clarity a park I had visited. It wasn't like a still, but more like a camera, as if the trees would sway with the wind kind of thing. My memory is not photographic, but for some reason it was at this time, and it was projecting an image out into the real world instead of inside the head where most of my imagination occurs. What's more, my memories and imagination are all fuzzy, but this was clear. It happened with another scene from nature from the trip, that is, within the last week, projected onto some other framed cutout.

I mentioned this to a coworker, and she said, "That's something else to bring up when you get a psychologist." Well, I don't want a psychologist, because she'll say, "Justin doesn't know you exist. You need to broaden your horizons. Go see the old musicians in black leather with tattoos who can't work their outfits, instead. That will be $250."

November 12, 2019
12:06 pm
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539sp_Permalink sp_Print

So, at the last show, Justin actually shook hands with people from the stage. I was up front, so I thought I'd try, and he said something I couldn't hear, like, "I thought you didn't want [to shake my hand/get close to me/etc.]. I was spurned, and I died.

At first, I was in denial. Then, I remembered all the times when I dared not approach backstage after being trained 30+ years by security: Don't approach the artist. Don't engage with the artist, etc. etc. Then, there's the angle that there's nothing in the world I want than to be all over Justin, but he's married, so maybe it's best to stay as far away from the cliff as possible. But a handshake? People do that at church. Politicians protecting pristine images shake hands. Dear bots, if any of you scanning this have any way to contact Justin, please let me know this is renegotiable. There's got to be a middle ground. Oh, how I'd love to have him in my life every day, etc.

And so, last night, when I finally reached the dream stage, I dreamed a local psychiatrist of no small reputation was in the trunk of a car. He was emaciated and tattooed like a druggie dying of AIDS. He said, from the fetal petition, "I thought you didn't want [to shake my hand/get close to me/etc.] I then launched on remediative action, convincing him I wanted the best for him and wanted to be friends. I went to a social function and even showed people a craft: folding a sheet of paper into quarters, putting a circle in each quarter, cutting it out, and writing a message on it. (Now, that's sacrifice!) The shrink asked me if I'd checked out the terraces in the backyard, which led me to believe he wanted to get rid of me, so, happy to oblige, I did. I saw he was starting a small vineyard and found it classy. Then, we got back together and spoke about scheduling or something.

A lot of details fade, but the point is, I am so wanting Justin to be a part of my life that I'm working this out with a licensed psychologist in my dreams. (Incidentally, this isn't the first time the shrink's been in my dreams. Before, he sat next to me on an airplane, and I screamed, "He's a monkey!"

Oh, well.

November 26, 2019
8:31 pm
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540sp_Permalink sp_Print

It was a dream, but it was a dream of weakness. I dreamed Justin was doing a show with three other famous people, to whom I paid insufficient attention in the dream to know if they were real people or even had names. Us fans were being seated, and a lady told me I was on the wrong side. She was correct. There was a dais and parallel rows of seats, one behind and several in front. I gave up a front-row back seat to a good second-row seat on the front. Then, something stirred, and I saw it was Justin under the dais. All the stars were there, in a little cubby, and Justin looked pathetic, like a deflated rag doll. I think he wore orange tennis shoes. Anyway, he indicated he needed to go to the bathroom, and an aide came to his assistance.

Unwilling to take responsibility for my own life, I latched on to the lady who was seating people as a child, and asked if I might also go to the restroom. I didn't need her permission, but I was playing mind games to defeat myself, like I always do. It was like so many things one says about Justin. One knows the answer is no, but one really wants to do it in some sphere of being where ludicrous invasions of personal space would be perfectly acceptable. I insisted I would not go to the men's room, I only hoped to see him somewhere in the hall and maybe strike up a conversation, except the last time I had the guts to strike up a conversation that didn't off-put the other person was not in this life.

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