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June 27, 2014
10:50 pm
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I don't know, such simple questions in life confuse me.............. you need to speak in simple, round vowels........ I get confused easily......

I find another facet of the frustrated mind interesting. Some, when spurned, or things aren't going their own way romantically, some have this knee jerk reaction to start flirting with other people (any and all), to prove what a great person they must be because everyone ELSE loves me, see? I'm a fabulous person and people are in adoration (yes it's about Meeee) ............ there was a lot of that when I was studying drama. I didn't really fit in because I don't crave attention. In fact, I'm happy without it, truth be told. I was the youngest and spoiled rotten. My Ex followed me around, and it was very annoying. I'm not a natural performer. They really need attention to thrive and feel good about themselves, poor dears. It took me a long time to accept that in my fellow drama students.

I think John Lennon pulled that on Yoko one too many times (trying to make her jealous) and she finally kicked him out. I was shocked at how much of a horn dog he was, flaunting it in front of Yoko and such. I'd have kicked him out too. Mind games mind games... only for the very immature. Some get over it, some don't alas. :.( Yoko and John finally worked it out. The more I read about them, even though they were very weird folks, the more I like them. Very intelligent people who grew up together.

All that drama. All because someone spurned them in an earlier life, or their parents were too harsh or something like that (it varies). All because of that weaselly little voice of self doubt that won't go away. Some find self fulfilling prophecy. What you resist persists.

I'm sorry your tooth chipped. I have a small one of those, from a wild game of kick the can. Ouch.

June 28, 2014
9:02 am
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June 28, 2014
9:09 am
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I can't say I feel your pain. Yours is the lot of a beautiful girl; mine, the curse of a sinner. You have talents galore, and you can plug-in all over the place to make life beautiful for others. I'm a miff monster, a joke, and tolerated at best. Your rejection comes from people on a lower plane not understanding, and jealous others trashing you. Mine comes from my own devices and the black cloud I wear on my head; hence the metaphorical compulsive hair fixing, like Lady Macbeth. Out blank thunderstorm!

Do people need, or are they only trying to help others to a better place?

June 28, 2014
11:50 am
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Bosh pish and tush. How did a thread on cosmology turn into whining? I almost erased that post of mine, TMI.......... but it does get at the core of the stage performer psyche IMHO. I've never been a Star so what do I know??Laugh Addiction to adulation. Do you suppose one can 12-step for it? Is it really addiction if you're happy? Of course not, the definition of addiction is something that disturbs your life, such as swilling a 12 pack, and beating your wife.... THAT is alcohol addiction. Can addiction to chocolate, marijuana, Moody Blues music, performance, sex etc etc cause disruption in one's normal life? Probably. It's up to the person with the "addiction" to decide, naturally. 12-steps DO work, I review them periodically. Good self help stuff.

I'm not rejected by others, in fact I have many nice friends and acquaintances. All I need. I made new friends last night visiting with some lady knitters, I must go back next Friday with a project.

We all need to find our Happy Spot. Then we can help others find theirs if we are so inclined! Cool

BACK ON TOPIC. So do you believe in aliens, and how do you feel about NASAs latest waste of money???


June 28, 2014
8:23 pm
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How did a thread on cosmology turn into whining? Emotions are part of the cosmos, the most complex, and probably the raison d'etre.

Do you suppose one can twelve-step for it? Love is not addiction. I assume you are talking about the great Justin, but then I am obsessed. Anyway, love is love, given freely. It is a beautiful thing, and the more there is, the more there is to go around. Love makes no demands. It is as beautiful when given to others as when received by the self. Enjoy it, and love more.

How is this cosmology? Reading from the Book of St. John:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I'll do likewise. It's loaded.

Wait. A piece of my dream just flashed by. It was something about planning for a long Moodies road trip. I lost it. Funny. I thought I didn't have that kind of dream anymore.

Back on subject, you don't need a twelve step. Just assess your situation and set your sites on a better place. Higher powers are standing by. I once new a guy who quit smoking by addicting himself to withdrawal. At least that's what he told me. I could get addicted to bank withdrawal . . .

Do I believe in aliens? Yes. Do I think they have gotten to this planet, yet? No.

How do I feel about NASA's latest? I don't feel anything. What do I think of it? When I saw it, I thought I could now go rescue Justin per our earlier conversation.

June 28, 2014
10:50 pm
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Emotions are simply artifacts of need.

When the need is satisfied, they go away. Unless it's a very very happy emotion of course. Those emotions stay around for a long time if they're true.

If happy emotions are just fake outs, they implode with spectacular terror....... like when a flying plane's engine explodes and pulling over to the side of the road is not an option. Or when your husband tells you he wants a divorce and you're eight months pregnant. Or when your bank shuts down and the stock market crashes. Or if you finally get the courage to "make your move" on someone you've been infatuated with for YEARS and they turn you down....... some of these things are "setting yourself up for failure" not all of course.

Planning ahead wisely tends to make ME feel warm and fuzzy, happy emotions. We live on the thin edge of terror in an uncertain universe; planning helps improve the odds IMHO. Most emotion is just drama, being spun up by bored people who have nothing better to do with themselves. Or it's a cry for help. As you can tell, I'm not very empathetic and make a really lousy counselor. Teaching first graders is much easier.

No one said the Universe made sense anyway.

I'm grumpy and depressed and cynical. Hope things improve... they should with time and rest and a nice long hot bath tonight........... :)

June 30, 2014
9:30 am
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My life knows no tragedy. I can't relate, but I hope you feel better, too. Move to Arizona.

With the stalker, whom I have forgotten, I decided, with your help, I would work on being a good person, and if he kills me, oh, well. His choices don't affect my eternal consequences.

I also happened to print out that photo Udo took and leave it casually in the back seat of the car. The unmentionable did, after all, make it known that he looks in there, and I did, after all, have an uncharacteristic big grin on my face. "What?" you cry. "It is wrong to fight obsession with obsession!"

"Works for me," reply I. Feelin' good. Thanks to all who made that happen.

Now, as always, I'll say again I will try harder to be good.

June 30, 2014
3:33 pm
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WOW good move!!! I'd put a COUPLE of copies of that around....... and start telling people it's your boyfriend! Get RID of that stalker! Bad news there! You know, I'm such a good girl I didn't even try to look in the SUV Justin was driving (which incidentally was gone when I got out of the Neptune... I bet he was across the Border before I could get out of the building!!! I can see him walking off stage, handing his guitar to Dave, and just keeping on walking to the car vrooom and away) I gave that up. When you're trying to figure someone out from looking in their car, that's a dead give away you're off balance. Used to do that in college. Long story, I was weird in college. Too much dope.

Feeling much better actually. It's a lovely day and I'm caught up on my sleep!!! YAHOO

June 30, 2014
5:10 pm
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Except it is important to never, never tell a lie. No matter how much I wish it otherwise, Justin's heart belongs to those wonderful people with whom he falls in and out of love and not MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I don't know if I've ever had the urge to look in Justin's windows. I fear I'd get arrested for peering into a parked car. I have tried to find my way around to see sound checks and stuff like that; in fact, I didn't know how people could walk past the door at one scoot-and-shoot without craning the neck. I always thought it would be nice to run into him in a public space, though. I am infatuated with him, not his stuff.

Stalking: When two people go for a long, romantic walk and only one knows it.

July 1, 2014
8:16 pm
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nice definition on the stalking.

In management school, they teach you how to lie correctly. Mostly to keep the company running and not hurt anyone. For example, say you're in the middle of heavy ops, and you have someone working for you that is absolutely essential to smooth operations, and you as a supervisor get word from the Red Cross that his Mom just died. It's advised that you not tell this person the horrible news until ops are done, and everyone is in a safe spot. Or maybe it's wartime and you can't go back to base, and you get a message like this. It will do no good, and might do harm if you are "truthful"......... so you withhold the information. Etc. It's a judgement call managers have to make sometimes. Doesn't improve one's popularity tho.

Another good example.... we had a 6.9 quake hit my area in 2003 I think (?) I had a classroom full of screaming 5th graders. They have good sense at that age, and telling them "it will be all right" won't work. Everyone of them wanted to call home, and make sure their goldfish tank hadn't fallen over, or their hamster's cage hadn't fallen over and the cat hadn't eaten the hamster (seriously) They all wanted to use the phone right now! I had to manage that.... I think I did well. I had them all get out paper and pencil and they could write or draw pictures of the experience. I also became "the voice of experience" and told them most buildings will be standing just fine (and they were) I didn't turn on the television (they wanted that on, no way was I going to let carnage on the telly in my class!) I used a calm voice... kept them off the phone with true stories about how the phones in San Francisco didn't work for two weeks after our 7.1 quake because everyone called all their friends to check in. "emergency people might need the phone lines"...........

They got an extra recess and I naturally turned on the television once they were out !!!!!! hehe

So I had to tell a few white lies there. I tried to NOT use lies obviously but sometimes it's necessary to not hurt people or to keep things calm and not panicky. That's called being mature when you can sort that out. We are all constantly learning.

Lies are horrible and unethical. Very evil when used for jealousy or personal gain. Politicians do it, telling themselves 'it's for the good of the people" and of course, it's just a power trip. Bad karma comes back on people. Sometimes the "truth" does get twisted through the eyes of extreme emotion tho. Toxic people put toxic spins on relatively innocent situations. Etc.

It's always best to be armed with information and do your homework. That way lies don't work. If you're REAL slick you can work them in reverse sometimes.

July 1, 2014
8:29 pm
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This is how I handle emergencies:

I was teaching adult education in Pontiac. Three kids who I had never seen before ran into my room. Two started taking hard punches at one in the corner. I stood petrified. Then, I heard the kids yelling at me saying, "You're the teacher! Stop it!" OK. I was. I didn't know what to do, so I approached the situation. As soon as I was at an arm's length, the bad guys left. It was like a knife going through warm butter. The victim, however, probably lost his nose he was so beaten up, and that only happened because I didn't react in a timely manner. Afterward, some of the teachers speculated that the victim had gotten the treatment because he tried to leave the very gang that got famous for taking its nastiness to the burbs and murdering an elderly couple. Fortunately, most of my life is as exciting as sitting here doing unnecessary paperwork and throwing my face in the pillow when I get home.

I feel scummy when I lie. Writing for a newspaper, I have learned there is always somebody to call me a liar and point out how this, that, and the other thing I said are wrong. I don't mind being stupid, even though I want to be right all the time. I do, however, cower when confronted, and I can be very evasive. I'm 51 years old! I should be better than this. I really, really, truly want to be honest.

How do you like my hair?

July 2, 2014
9:47 am
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I told you to take cosmetology classes, and here we are veering off the topic of cosmology. I think you are very good with your hair. Be thankful it's straight, you have no idea the complexity of taking care of "curly hair"................ UGH.

That's a sad story about the beaten student, but it sounds unavoidable. No you can't be petrified in emergencies. I've seen it happen, I always take action myself. Often the wrong action, but any action sometimes will throw the dynamic off and resolve it. If two big students (high school or large Jr high) get into a fight, I get out of the way, and scream for security. Or call on the phone... ALWAYS have number for front office written on hand for just such emergencies (it happens). If two little ones (fifth grade and younger) get into fights, I step between them, they won't hit a teacher usually and they aren't big enough to hurt. I DO know some tricks for pulling one person off another, but you're in a legal situation in a classroom and have to be careful. It IS about not getting hurt yourself, and about keeping everyone safe.

I have a very special "drill sergeant" voice I use to break up fights in halls.... or beginning fights that is. All those acting lessons paid off. Sometimes you see the start of a fight, kids bumping and whacking each other in the hall, and you walk up and say "Break it up gentlemen, time to go to class!" and usually that disperses them. Teachers constantly have on their "radar" when it comes to kids fighting.

Having a good cockroach stare also helps in these situations.

Inner city is nuts.............. don't teach there.

July 2, 2014
4:34 pm
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The good thing is, my retrograde motion has not destroyed the cosmos, yet. It's people like you who, mopping up for people like me eight-to-the-bar, make life on earth possible.

July 2, 2014
8:31 pm
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I shudder to think the gales of water I've left behind on the deck this time............

This is not for anyone in particular, and for everyone.......... Smile

July 3, 2014
6:58 pm
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Back on topic, for your summer viewing pleasure, there's going to be a really cool conjunction of the Moon and a couple of planets this weekend, if you have clear skies, look to the Moon, the fifth is supposed to be the night. If I think of it, I'll post the rest, I keep up on these things with an almanac.....

July 4, 2014
10:11 am
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I looked at the moon a couple times last night, but the city lights were such that I could see no stars or planets.

July 5, 2014
6:36 pm
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OH well it's going to CLOUD up here! It tried to RAIN last night on the fireworks!!! I DID see some planets last night... all lined up with the Moon... very cool stuff, strung across the sky. This place STINKS for astronomy!!!! I'd move to Arizona if I had the gumption, just so I could see the stars once in a while!!!!

July 5, 2014
8:23 pm
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Going to Arizona to see a star, what a lovely thought.

July 6, 2014
1:05 am
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I just found an absolute mother lode of philosophy.......... having a marvelous time reading them. Some are really weird..... Laugh


July 6, 2014
4:41 pm
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I seriously considered majoring in philosophy, but then I realized I didn't want to read what others thought. I wanted to find things out for myself. Actually, there are a few authors I really deem intelligent and a joy to read. Anyway, I wanted to do philosophy like the Greeks, laying around and thinking, not memorizing who said what. Thanks for the link. It is worth investigating, anyway.

Last night, I think I saw one of the planets with the moon.

Recently, I've been wondering why everywhere I look I see Bon Jovi. He is one of the most boring recording artists to make the big time, in my opinion. So, when YouTube started suggesting a whole row of his music, I tried to remember what all he recorded. Then, I remembered that fateful day in Holbrook when I was totally "overwhelmed by the spirit." When I got in my car, he was on the radio singing something about memories.

That led me down a rabbit trail. I've often wondered about the purpose of life and what really matters. From certain theological viewpoints, we can sin up a blue streak and have a deathbed repentance. Many people live miserable lives of squalor and disease. They are only here thirty wretched years. We live long, lush lives. We come up with medical wonders to make us stay here longer, and we use the added life for what? Watching TV or dorking around on this message board?

Sometimes the present is a very difficult concept for me to grasp. We not only have things in their current spacetime coordinates, but we have the first and higher order derivatives to describe their motion. Then, we have intention, which usually flies out the window and gets squashed.

And so, I posited, purely for the sake conjecture, and not claiming any absolute truth, what if we live for our memories? Then, every dirty thought, every lazy wallowing, leaves the universe a little less than it may have been. I keep saying I want to return to my alchemy, but I keep wanting to have a really big Mardis Gras before going cold turkey. I was thinking if instead of giving myself one more day to drink Diet Coke, what if I poured the last bottle down the sink. Now, that would be a memory! it would take out all the hairballs.

Also with respect to spacetime, I have always wondered what people meant when they say in eternity there is no time. People say there is music in heaven, but music depends on times for the rhythm as well as the frequencies of the various notes. Then, realized I was playing music in my head all the time. Do the little engrams oscillate somehow, or is there music without time and space. I just thought of this today, so if you know the answer, do tell.

Then, there is always the question of if our brains are like a hard drive recording information, then what is thought in the afterworld?

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