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July 6, 2014
10:58 pm
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Here's another Jung site.... in my spare time I'll read it all of course.


July 7, 2014
9:15 am
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What is spare time?

July 7, 2014
2:52 pm
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something you need to take for yourself. I do believe the Bible says something about "one day in seven to rest" and wasn't specific about the day.

It's good for you. Make spare time if you can. Yeah I know..........

July 7, 2014
6:46 pm
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Oh. That was two mistakes on my part:

1. I thought you said "spare tire," and
2. I indignantly tried to type, "What spare tire!?"

I cooked the meat too raw for lunch and then recooked it too burnt. Now the boss is looking for the proverbial new girl - part-time, he says - to give me a break.

July 7, 2014
11:26 pm
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Tell the boss he needs to get a George Foreman grill. Those things are marvelous. I'll give you my recipe for coq a vin

July 8, 2014
9:02 am
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The chain of command does not go that way.

July 8, 2014
8:41 pm
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I'm digging out all sorts of weird physics articles BTW..... I clip and save really weird stuff. Do you have any specific fields that knock your socks off in that realm? I'll scan them for you if you like. Otherwise, if I don't want it, off to the trash it's going. Some I'm keeping.

July 8, 2014
9:20 pm
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I had to give boxes of my favorite physics books to a good friend the last time I had to move - and then I didn't have to. My keyboard and I parted then, too. It was a blessing to part with my favorite possessions because I could feel like Justin getting rid of stuff. That may have been before I heard him talk about it, but since he talked about it, I don't look back. Tesla had to sell all his books, and look what happened to his mind without them. Yeah, I think I need a nice lab in the boonies more than I need a book.

My interests have always been optics (Ooh. That is about the fifteenth time I've heard that word today.) and mechanics. Right now, I am interested in wave mechanics. Hanging out here, combined with dimming eyesight, makes me want to get into acoustics. So, I am thinking you won't have any articles worth the postage. I've got some Schaumm books on the shelf, and I am too lazy to lift them when I get home. Anybody out there who can help me with that would be most appreciated. Some days, I feel like an air mathematician, like an air guitarist, a wannabe too lazy to practice.

I'm not into weird physics. My shtick was returning to the Weltangschauung where everything was as it appeared or as it was derivable by logical connections. That's considered too freaky for any diversity program, but it is what I'm about.

Does this make me megalomaniac? I mean, there's like all this power in the boring truth.

July 9, 2014
1:15 am
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God does not play dice with the Universe. I think there is some worth to that statement. Stay in the concrete.

I still have two boxes and a laundry basket full of old bills to burn. I'm so mad at my parents for not cleaning out their stuff.... I TRIED to burn tonight, but it's hot, and I just couldn't get through it all. Well tomorrow's another day.

July 9, 2014
8:56 pm
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I mused again tonight. I was in a reverie of the old ESJ days. I never thought of it in so many words, but my job was to take the weirdness out of science. I recalled how that made me freakish in the eyes of the establishment. So few people understood. Those who did only pretended. But one supersmart guy got what I was talking about. His name is Greg, and he is one of my favorite people. He was a great support after the boss departed maya, and I was left holding the bag with all the revenue streams for the research withdrawn. One time, Greg was explaining Ivor Catt's modeling of electrical current, and I wasn't following what he said. Then, to clarify, he said something like, "You know, like your theory for EM." It was so funny. I never really grasped electrical current until then, but it was a huge honor to have such a sharp and clear mind support my ideas.

Well, Greg has been unemployed forever. It made me think how science is not about discovery but like Acts 17:21: (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)

I'm really itching to go back and read Justin's interview again. Can you tell?

July 10, 2014
6:26 pm
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I took his interview to bed with me. Nice long letter.... :) good bedtime story.

July 10, 2014
10:03 pm
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Me likes it, too. I took one of the math puzzle books my dad gave me to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

July 12, 2014
1:04 am
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leslee, must watch must watch must read etc etc.................. the trick is, even numbers are magical............. and yeah I think I see Fibonacci!!!!

I love these "mystery radio sources" discoveries too


July 12, 2014
11:10 pm
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Dragging Bode's Law over here, a VERY interesting article, going into the files.


The only thing to add is, it's generally felt that Pluto was once a satellite of Neptune. I think Neptune is tilted on its side too.... plainly the Neptune/Pluto system suffered a huge collision in eons past.
Super Moon tonight! It sure was bright last night!!! Yawn never did get all my sleep!!!


July 14, 2014
11:46 am
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Catching up:

1. The Egyptian math is easy for equations we have already memorized; it gets messy for more complicated problems. I would have to think about how to approach fractions with this.
2. With Bod's law, something to consider is a physical interpretation for the numbers. Mercury is also anomalous, but 7 out of 9 isn't bad. I would have to think about the physical interpretation behind applying Pascal's triangle. It would be fun, but you would probably have to offer me extra credit points for motivation.
3. The moon has appeared full for three days, now.
4. I don't quite know what to do with the radio waves.

Back to alchemy, I'd really like to read up on Newton's. Everything I've read about it makes it sound like better science than what passes therefor today. One of my favorite endorsements came from Keynes: "Newton was not the first of the age of reason: He was the last of the magicians."

I was told never to use a colon with quotes, but I am the last person standing who does, so I surrender.

Lastly, if we want to play number games in search of meaningless patterns, and if we adjust the calendars from Newton's time to ours, tomorrow is the anniversary of the publication of the "Principia." Celebrate by downloading your copy today. P.S. Read the original. Here's another quote with a colon, but it's from a real economist:

"He took only what his superficial mind had the power of taking, and the pith of [Adam] Smith's thinking must have been left behind. To borrow even a hat to any purpose, the two heads must be something of a size."

July 14, 2014
4:22 pm
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I've been listening to Renaissance choral music, and I spent awhile looking up the works of Newton. It is almost as good as seeing Justin in Phoenix. If you ever wanted evidence that life is unjust, consider that Maynard Keynes became the possessor of Newton's "alchemy." He bought the writings. How's this for alchemy:

"Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth." - Newton

Or consider this:

"Newton stood on the shoulders of giants, but I'm gonna stand on Newton's shoulders." - leslee

I was just reading some Wiki stuff on Newton, and I was wondering what the sensationalist writers would make of my life. They'd find the love letters from the stalker and conclude I was in an affair and practicing witchcraft and who knows what. That's another reason why I don't like history: Nobody knows what they're thinking when events go down, so why do the historians think they do? I do like history of technology, though. I forgot. Some of those ancient gizmos make one laugh - of course - maybe - because the historian or archaeologist is pretending to know the purpose.

July 14, 2014
7:55 pm
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...Pascal's Triangle was rather fun, but this is where I get bored and/or lost with math because it serves no purpose that I can see. Possibly the Egyptians said the same about long division of numbers like 235367.1243 divided by 32 (which is not all that difficult to do with our method of long division). It did remind me of a lovely quilt pattern using hexagonals, not to mention geodesics and FL Wright's lovely designs based on hexagrams. Wow I wonder if the Anderton shops on Rodeo Drive are really Pascal's Triangle, sorta twisted around like a strand of DNA...

Yeah Bode's "Law" isn't very exact.... it's just a curiousity. Reminds me of government accounting.

The Moon was gibbous here last night.... wow we had a very cool sunset too, one good clap of thunder, really nasty clouds, a sorta grey-pink sky, the setting sun reflecting off tall buildings in Seattle......... and over it all, a really cool rainbow that faded as the sun set. Looked like Karth-Hokesh.

Nice quote about Newton. Yes I knew he worked with Alchemy, but it was but the beginnings of modern Chemistry. Gosh they didn't have a periodic table then, I forgot who put that together now. Fascinating history tho.

You know me and punctuation. I apologize if I've given offense.

I have thirty more years of Taran's time capsules to read, so I won't have time for Principia. But it's a nice idea. I'm very much enjoying the old Moody articles I haven't read yet, real eye opening some of them.

Pithy statement indeed. Here's one from Bruce Lee or James Coburn (from *Circle of Iron*)
"One is taught in accordance with one's ability to learn"............... it could be from Tao too. Confucious would be the type to insist the mule sat still in the classroom, and learned the laws of obediance. Lao Tze, he didn't believe square pegs belonged in round holes.

Total agreement on reconstructing the past from "what's left"....... ran across a great article on an Anazasi ruin... one group thought it was a cistern for gathering water. The other group thought it was a religious site. Lots of that sort of thing in archeology.

July 14, 2014
8:39 pm
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And those Americans of the twentieth century worshiped fertility goddesses. They molded plastic images for the home. Often they constructed small shrines with the letters "Barbie's Beach House."

Oh, how I'd love to read everything on Taran's site.

It's the spelling that gets me more than the punctuation - or maybe the preference for hype in science when I get excitement from reducing pop science to boring axioms long known - but you have to offer extra credit to get me to work on it. This stuff will get easier when I detox my brain. Tomorrow, I plan a countdown to ecstasy. (Who was that guy on the cover of that album, anyway?) I'll slowly eat my last Reece's, and when they're gone, I'll try to get back to that Nirvana I once knew under the translucent Phoenix sky.

It is a gray and peaceful sunset tonight. The moon was surely gibbous last night, aberrated here with thick glasses and failing vision no doubt.

Does that cover it? Wait 'til we get multidimensional computers with message threads capable of journeying down all rabbit trails without the need for hyperlinks.

July 14, 2014
10:15 pm
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We ALL have multidimensional computers like that, right between our ears. Just need to listen to it.

Barbie actually started out as a joke sex toy I understand.

Spelling? Me, inflict a Malapropism on the rest of the unsuspecting world???? Perish the thought.

July 15, 2014
9:07 am
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Brains can do that, but it's communication that has hung me up - when a conversation takes a fork in the road, I go one way or the other, then claw back to where we were. Then, I hear, from somebody who claims to have arrived at such a state for an instant, that knowledge of all things at one time is a big bunch of white noise to a brain that is not filtering and imposing priorities. He said he felt as if the answer to any question was at his fingertips, but he was so overwhelmed, he could not formulate a single one. I think I captured what he was trying to say. He also said there was no such thing as time, and we disagreed on that. He was never able to choose words to convey something that made sense on that subject. He also believed protons and electrons were some kind of portals all leading to a new dimension. I never understood that, either. He was a good engineer, though. As his daughter aptly explained, he was intuitive. Us folks in the engineering department would try to solve problems with traditional methods, and he would almost always turn out to be right. We used to argue to tears over what was true. That was back in the old ESJ days.

Whooops! (Is that how Justin spelled it?) Gotta feed the bureaucracy!

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